Chapter 10 - Steam Casting
Steam Casting is a method of casting that uses steam to push molten metal into a mold. I have seen a couple of methods on how to do it at home on the internet.
Don Norris has been kind enough to let me post his free online steam casting class here at the Heap. Don teaches silver casting online and through seminars. He has an excellent free course on steam casting. All six lessons can be viewed from the links below. I have tried his method and it works. I will include a page with pictures of what I have done so far and an example of how to do it as soon as I find some time. Don has a great website with loads of useful information, check out what he has to show you! You can find Don's website here.
Steam Casting Lessons by Don Norris
The second example of steam casting is from Alan Shinn who has allowed us to replicate his article here. Please take a chance to visit his website at What follows is his article. Enjoy! :-)
Steam Casting Article by Alan Shinn