KRMx01 Projects
Project 2 - The Culinary Apothecary
After being as patient as a saint, I figured I should make something my wife would like and could actually use. While looking through the free projects on the Vectric website I came accross a cool little spice rack called the culinary apothecary. My wife likes to cook and has more spices than any normal person would know what to do with (or at least what I would know what to do with). So I downloaded the free project and tried my hand at it to see how it would turn out. I did vary from the original in that I made the rack 24 inches wide. My wife had enough spices to fill it and had plenty more left in the cabinet. I think she wants another. If you are interested here is a link to get the plans yourself. The Culinary Apothecary from Vectric. Below are some pictures of the project.
Project 1 - Loftin Farms Registered Angus Bull Sales
When my co-workers found out that the KRMx01 CNC was to a point that it could start cutting projects out, they ask me to produce a sign for their department manager. The Loftin's are good folks and I thought this would be a great way to break in the machine. After spending a little time with them on a design I started the project. This is the first 3D sign that I have made. I done it in my unheated shop in December and had to run the machine a bit slower than I could when the shop was warm. At any rate, I have posted a few pictures of the plaque below for you to look at. I had about four or five hours in cutting time to produce this plaque. If you are interested I purchased the Angus Bull graphic from Vector Art 3D. They have loads of artwork to choose from, although for a poor guy like me, some of it is a bit pricey.
KRMx01 CNC Projects
Now that the KRMx01 CNC has reached a point of being able to start cutting, I thought I would create some pages showing some of the things I have made with it. Hopefully the quality of the projects I make with this machine will continue to improve as I get to know the individuality of the machine and as I make upgrades and improvements to it. I will try to keep a list of links at the bottom of this page, but sometimes I am forgetful so it would be best to check out the menu in case I forget to add on here.
Thanks for following along in our project and hopefully after seeing some of the things that you can do with a machine of this nature it will motivate you to try and make one yourself. The experience alone of building it and the father - son time I got to spend with one of my son's was enough justification for me to do the project.
Since the building of the KRMx01 CNC was a project within itself, I thought maybe this would be a good place to put a video showing the machine at the point of where we are at this time. For details of how the machine was built, be sure to visit the build log and upgrade pages. I hope you get something from it.
KRMx01 CNC Router Walk Through
OKAY, enough babble, on to the projects! Clicking the image will take you to the project page.
Project 1 - Loftin Farms Plaque
The Loftin Farms Plaque is a 3D contoured sign with raised lettering. It is made of very clear pine and clear coated. This was made as a Christmas Gift to the Loftin Family from the employees of the Physical Therapy department of our local hospital.
Project 2 - The Culinary Apothecary
My wife has been patient and understanding to a fault. I figured she was due for a project made from the CNC machine. For the lady who loves to cook, what would be better than a fancy schmancy spice rack!