The Mr. Pete Project Page

Mr. PetersonMr. Pete (Lyle Peterson aka Tubalcain) has been a huge inspiration to many folks both personally and on the Internet.  As an industrial arts teacher, he was responsible for teaching countless students the metal arts and shop work related activities.  His heart of a teacher never left him and today he continues to teach anyone interested in the subject matter via YouTube.

Over the Years, Mr. Pete has produced hundreds of videos on the subject matter and are all available free to watch on his you tube channel.  Among those videos are several projects that Mr. Pete shared with us and plans provided by various people on the internet.

In appreciation of all that Mr. Pete has taught me, I decided to host this page, providing the project files for download and links to the specific videos covering the projects.

Thank you Mr. Peterson for the knowledge you have shared with the rest of us.

Be sure to visit Mr. Pete's YouTube channel, you can get there by clicking this link.

-- Joe Hildreth

ATTENTION:  I am sure Mr. Pete would love to see pictures of some of these projects people have made.  If you have made any of these projects and you would like a picture of what you made displayed on this page with (or without - your choice) your name please contact me using the Contact US menu option above and we can work out the details.


The Projects

There are two ways to get to the Mr. Pete's Projects.  You can either select the project from the menu to the right or click on any image below to take ytou to that Projects page.


ToolmakersClamp       BellCenterPunch       ToolmakersVice       TapFollower
Toolmaker's Clamp   Bell Center Punch   Toolmaker's Vice   Tap Follower
WigglerEdgeFinder   HeightGauge   FloatLockDrillPressVice   VerticalSteamEngineWithSpoolValve
Wiggler Edge Finder    Height Gauge   Float Lock Drill Press Vice   Vertical Steam Engine
with Spool Valve
OscillatingSteamEngine   MicrometerCarriageStop   TinyMachinistJacks   Swivel Vise Jaws R3
Oscillating Steam Engine   Micrometer Carriage Stop
(Atlas Lathe)
  Tiny Machinist Jacks   Swivel Vice Jaws
OscillatingSteamEngine   South Bend Grinding Jig    AtlasGearCuttingAttachment    QuillStopThumb 
Riveting Hammer    South Bend Grinding Jig    Atlas Gear Cutting Attachment    Quill Stop
Rapid Action Quill Stop