Metalworking Resources and Downloads
Whenever I try to learn something new, I gather as many resources I can find and just have a go at it. Sometimes, it is worth putting those things in a convenient location for easy access or as a reminder. That is the intent of this page. Here you will find links to books, websites and other information that I have found helpful in my journey. I hope some of the stuff on this page will be of use to you.
The following list of items are either things I have created for download or have been given permission to host here at The Heap to make available for download. To Download an Item from the list, click the Icon to the left of the description.
Elmer's Engines by Elmer Verburg [ISBN: 0-9621671-0-X, Publisher: Old Orchard Publishing Service] - Out of Print
Please note, as i understand it, Mr. Dirk Tollenaar holds the copyright to this book and has given me his express permission to provide it as a download. If you have concerns, please contact me by using the contact link above.
Elmer's Enigines is a book that contains 52 chapters of different steam engines that the modeller can build. It includes dimensioned drawings in imperial measure. The book also has an appendix that has some tools and technical data to create your own designs.
Elmer Verberg was born in Grand Rapids Michigan and raised in the Grandville area. Graduated from Grand Rapids Davis Tech High School His grandfather was a ships carpenter and his father a Millwright Elmer started at Blackmer Pump Company in the Grand Rapids he advanced through the company to Chief draughtsman during ww2 and in later years had the title of Designer After 41 years he retired in 1970 to a cottage with 15 acres out in the farming area west of Cedar Springs Michigan. (see note)
Here is a link to a YouTube video of many of Elemr's Engines running at a school. This video features Elmer's son, Ralph Verburg talking a bit about his father. [].
(note) Elmer Verburg's biographical information was copied from a post located at You can read the original post here.