Boating - About
Welcome to the My Heap Boating Pages.
I have decided that I would break away from the normal My Heap stuff and give the boating elements its own area on the website. I guess mainly because it seems do unrelated to what the original My Heap site was all about. I will migrate the boat stuff from the main site as soon as I get some free time.
Anyone who is familiar with My Heap, will notice that I am using a Content Management System for this area of the web site rather than coding the stuff myself like I have done in the past. I am hoping that a chance to worry about the content, rather than the code will allow me to do updates faster than I have managed in the past. Also, I am looking for a better theme than what I have here, so if you any ideas you want to share, please feel free to email me. You can do so by sending it to xavier at gtec dot com.
Here you will get a look at where we are with the couple of boat projects we have going on as well as some links to resources that I have found helpful. Thanks for visiting, and please feel free to drop by any time.