Book - Introduction
The intention of this document is to pass on information learned from experiences of people in a number of industries that deal with Mold making, casting, creating masters for molds and basically any information to aid in the development of such devices.
The document is the work of volunteers from around the Internet. Sections will follow with the name of the person that contributed it and will appear again in the appendix that contains the credits. This document is by no means complete and authoritative on these subjects and only represents what people have experienced when dealing with the subject content. Articles may be submitted by anyone simply by emailing them to Joe Hildreth (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Addendums may be sent as well. Please include your name and the article that the addendum should apply to.
Special thanks is extended to the casting group housed at If you are not a member, I would recommend that you join. At the time of this writing there are over 1900 members. They are an excellent source for help, idea sharing or discussion in general.
With that out of the way, continue on and explore the wonderful world of molding and its related topics
(Joe Hildreth)